When was Rochester General Hospital incorporated?
Rochester General Hospital was incorporated as Rochester City Hospital May 7, 1847.
When was the hospital's first board meeting?
City Hospital has its first Board of Directors meeting on June 11, 1847.
When was the hospital opened for patients?
Rochester City Hospital opened its doors on January 27, 1864.
When was the hospital's first patient admitted?
The first patient is admitted on February 5, 1864.
When was the hospital's first Board of Lady Managers Meeting?
The Board of Lady Managers held its first meeting on Feb 15, 1864. The LBM was in charge of the day to day operations of the hospital.
When was the hospital's first surgical procedure?
The first surgical procedure is February 23, 1864. A five year old boy had been run over by a horse car. Procedure was a success.
When was the hospital’s first birth?
First birth occurred on April 2, 1864.
When was the medical staff organized?
The Medical staff was organized in 1872. It consisted of four Physicians and four Surgeons plus two Resident House Physicians.
When did the Board of Lady Managers assume daily operations from the superintendent?
Board of Lady managers assumes daily operations of the hospital
When was the hospital’s first school of nursing organized?
Rochester City Hospital opens the 12th nursing school in the country in the fall of 1880.
When was the hospital's first Twig organized?
The first Twig is formed by Lois Whitney October 1887 Managers.
When did the hospital rebuild?
George Eastman gave $500,000 to rebuild the Hospital in 1909.
When did the hospital change its name?
Rochester City Hospital was renamed Rochester General Hospital on January 1,1911.
How was the hospital involved in WW I?
51 medical staff and 81 graduate nurses mobilized for WWI, in 1918. The Hospital supported the Base Hospital and other units in Europe.
How did the 1918 Flu epidemic effect the Hospital?
The Hospital cares for 870 flu epidemic cases between September 1918 and February 1919.
When was the Medical Board organized?
Medical Board organized on January 16,1920.
What was the hospital's involvement in WWII?
Over 111 medical staff, former interns, and 116 Nursing School Alumni served on all fronts. In addition five board members and thirty-five other employees saw service. 19th General Hospital mobilized for WWII in 1942.
When did the LBM change its name?
The Board of Lady Managers changes its name to the Women's Auxiliary Board in 1945 to reflect its change mission.
What are the Northside and Westside Hospitals?
The Northside Division, better known as Northside Hospital on Portland Avenue dedicated September 16, 1956. It was the Northside Division of the Rochester General Hospital. The old hospital on Main Street was the Westside Division. They functioned together sharing staffs for 10 years (1956-1966) before consolidating on Portland Avenue April 2, 1966.
When was the Isabella Graham Hart School of Practical Nursing Established?
Isabella Graham Hart School of Practical Nursing opened on February 24,1964.
What happened to the RN School?
The last R.N. graduates from the School of Nursing of the Rochester General Hospital graduated in June 1964. Afterward RN's would be educated in local colleges.
When was the first open heart surgery performed in Rochester?
At Rochester General Hospital. First three heart surgeries were performed in 1964.
When was the RGH Association formed?
Women's Board becomes Rochester General Hospital Association in 1978
When was the RGH Foundation formed?
Rochester General Hospital Foundation incorporated in 1978.
When was the Greater Rochester Health System formed?
In December, 1994 Rochester General Hospital and The Genesee Hospital, Myers Community and Newark Wayne Hospitals formed the Greater Rochester Health System.