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Understanding Epilepsy

March 13, 2025|4. min read
Fact checked by: Mariel Davila-Martinez
Scientists examines headset in modern Neurological Research Laboratory

Key Takeaways

  • Epilepsy is diagnosed after a person has at least 2 seizures at least 24 hours apart.
  • There are many types of seizures and many types of epilepsy, so it’s important to see a neurologist to ensure you’re getting the right diagnosis and treatment.
  • If you see someone having a seizure, do not put anything in their mouth. Clear the area around them and call 911.
Living Better With Epert Neurological Care

From evaluation to finding the right epilepsy treatment, our neurology and neurosurgery experts are committed to improving your quality of life and supporting you in every way possible.

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that affects more than three million people living in the U.S. While some patients are born with epilepsy, others develop it later in life for a variety of reasons. Having an understanding of what epilepsy is, how it is treated, and how to help others experiencing a seizure can prove useful for many.

Mariel Davila-Martinez, MD, a neurologist who works at our Ridgeway Medical Campus in Greece, offers insight into what epilepsy is, how to treat seizures, and what people can do if they see someone having one.

What is epilepsy?

Epilepsy is a chronic disorder causing recurrent, unprovoked seizures. Someone is diagnosed with epilepsy if they experience at least two seizures with no obvious triggers at least 24 hours apart.

Seizures are surges of electrical impulses that cause brief changes in movement, behavior, feeling, or awareness in the body. The electrical activity is a result of chemical changes in nerve cells that come from an imbalance of brain cell activity.

Seizures themselves are not a disease, rather a symptom of many different disorders that affect the brain. Some seizures are hardly noticeable, while others are completely disabling.

“Generally, a person is diagnosed with epilepsy after more than one seizure. However, patients who experience one seizure may be diagnosed with epilepsy if they have an abnormal brain scan, have an abnormal electroencephalogram or have other risk factors for epilepsy, such as seizures as a child or family history,” Dr. Davila-Martinez said.

What are the different types of seizures?

There are several different types of seizures that differ in appearance, length, and symptoms. The three main classifications of seizures are absence seizures, generalized tonic-clonic seizures, and focal onset seizures.

Absence seizures

These are often described as staring spells. The person will stop what they’re doing and stare into space for a few seconds, then go on as if nothing happened. This is commonly seen in epileptic children and usually starts between the ages of 4 and 12. A child can experience as many as 100 absence seizures in one day.

Generalized tonic-clonic seizures

Formerly known as grand mal seizures, these are the easiest to spot. A person’s arms and legs stiffen, then begin to jerk. The jerking movement can last up to three minutes. After it ends, the person is usually very tired and confused.

Focal onset seizures

Also known as partial seizures, this type of seizure starts in one part of the brain. The person might make jerking motions or see things that aren’t actually there. Consciousness is not always lost but it can be. A person experiencing a focal onset seizure may wander, mumble, fumble with their clothes, and more.

Symptoms of epilepsy

Epilepsy can cause a range of symptoms that are physical, emotional, and mental. Those symptoms are closely associated with the type of seizure a person is experiencing.

General seizure symptoms include loss of consciousness, falls, or massive muscle contractions.

Focal onset seizures, sometimes called partial seizures, are brief and don’t involve a loss of consciousness. Focal onset seizure symptoms include:

  • dizziness
  • tingling and twitching of limbs
  • changes to sense of taste, smell, sight, hearing, or touch
  • sudden stiffness or falling

Risk factors for epilepsy

Anything that disrupts the brain’s natural circuitry can cause epilepsy. In many cases, the exact cause is never determined. Some people inherit genetic factors that make epilepsy more likely to occur.

Risk factors can include:

  • head trauma
  • brain infection or disease
  • brain conditions, like stroke or tumors
  • developmental conditions
  • AIDS
  • lack of oxygen
  • prenatal injury

“Most of the time the cause of epilepsy is unknown – what providers refer to as idiopathic epilepsy,” Dr. Davila-Martinez said.

Diagnosing epilepsy

When someone is referred to one of our neurologists for symptoms of epilepsy, the provider will first perform a thorough physical and neurological exam to learn more about the patient’s medical history and what happens before, during, and after the seizure. To determine the type of seizure, the cause of the seizures, and where the problem is located, further diagnostic testing may be needed.

Generally, a test called an electroencephalogram (EEG) is performed to confirm a diagnosis and get more information on the seizures. The test is a painless procedure that records electrical activity in the brain that will help guide treatment for the patient.

Often, doctors will conduct a brain scan, like a CT or an MRI, to help rule out some causes and create a treatment plan. They will look for bleeding, masses, or changes in the structure of the brain.

Treatments for epilepsy

There are a range of treatments for epilepsy, which focus on eliminating seizures or reducing the frequency and intensity of seizures. Our neurologists will develop a personalized treatment plan for each individual patient. Potential treatments include:

Medication: Anti-seizure drugs, also called anti-epileptic medications, are the most common treatment. Around two-thirds of patients become seizure-free by taking prescribed medication. Others may be able to decrease the frequency and intensity of their seizures by taking a combination of medications.

“Patients who do not respond after prescribing at least two anti-epileptic medications will likely be evaluated for other therapies,” Dr. Davila-Martinez said.

Ketogenic diet: “For patients that do not respond to medication, or even in conjunction with medication, we sometimes recommend a ketogenic diet. This special high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet can help control seizures in some people with epilepsy.”

Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) Therapy: VNS is described as a pacemaker for the brain. A device is used to regulate electrical patterns in the brain by sending electrical pulses through a large nerve in the neck.

What can patients with epilepsy do to stay safe?

Seizures come without warning. Because of this, some activities are dangerous and should be avoided for people with epilepsy. Losing consciousness while swimming or other extreme sports could be life-threatening.

“People with epilepsy should avoid things like managing heavy machinery, climbing ladders, bathing in a tub without supervision, and swimming,” Dr. Davila-Martinez said.

In many states, it is required to be seizure-free for a certain amount of time before driving a car.

“A patient must be seizure-free for a year before they can return to driving. Clinically, this time may be reduced to six months if the patient is well-controlled on medication,” Dr. Davila-Martinez said.

What to do if you see someone having a seizure

If you see someone having a seizure, here are a few ways you can help:

  • Time how long it lasts. (You may be asked for this information later.)
  • Clear the area of anything hard or sharp.
  • Loosen anything around their neck that may affect their breathing.
  • Turn them onto their side.
  • Put something soft beneath their head.
  • Do not place anything in their mouth.
  • Call 911 if:
    • The seizure lasts more than 5 minutes.
    • They are pregnant.
    • They are injured.
    • They have diabetes.

“Be sure to stay with them until the seizure stops, which usually takes about three to four minutes,” Dr. Davila-Martinez said.

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Mariel Davila-Martinez