The DAISY Award is a nationwide program that rewards and celebrates the extraordinary clinical skill and compassionate care given by nurses every day. Nurses nominated for this award consistently demonstrate excellence and are recognized as outstanding role models in the nursing community.
Rochester Regional Health is thrilled to announce 13 of our nurses are being recognized with DAISY Awards so far this year.

Eric Parrin, RN
Location: Surgical Intensive Care Unit, Rochester General Hospital
Nominated by: Colleague
Eric is a pillar of the SICU at RGH. He is brilliant and hard-working. He is a certified nurse and continues his education and training. He can care for patients with critical devices in other Intensive Care Units. He is an asset to the SICU and the entire hospital. He is often on the Surgical Early Nurse Intervention Team and responds to hospital traumas, stroke alerts, and critical patients requiring a higher level of care. He does this all while having his patient assignments and overseeing the SICU. Eric goes above and beyond to keep patients safe. He holds himself to the highest standards and delivers the highest level of patient care no matter the circumstances surrounding him. He is a team player and helps his teammates no matter how busy he may be. He truly puts his patients and team first above all else. He carries the weight of not only his unit but the whole hospital on his back and doesn't ever complain. I've witnessed him catch life-saving changes in his patients, and he prevented more adverse outcomes than one could count. RGH is lucky beyond words to have such a smart, caring, and hardworking nurse. He gives his blood, sweat, and tears every single shift. I cannot say enough positive things about Eric and what he does not only for his patients but for our hospital.

Yanira Cornier, RN
Location: Emergency Department, Rochester General Hospital
Nominated by: Colleague
Yanira has been a member of the RGH Emergency Department (ED) nursing team since 2007. She is a bedside nurse, triage nurse, preceptor, and charge nurse. She is currently an FNP student at St. John Fisher University.
Yanira demonstrates the values of the organization by advocating for the patients, families, and team members during every encounter.
As the weekend day shift Charge Nurse, she is fair and organized and can maintain a professional atmosphere in the department. She constantly rounds on patients and staff to ensure a safe environment and identifies the “hot spots" for patient deterioration and escalation of security issues. She proactively follows up with ED nursing administration and the off-shift director on issues she and team members have identified during the weekend shifts. Her handoffs to the oncoming shift charge nurse are accurate and complete. Yanira works with the floors and critical care units to promote admission to the right place for the right patient at the right time. As the triage nurse, she is in constant communication with the ED charge nurse and providers in placing patients in the expanded geographical footprint of the department. She can quickly flex the staffing sheets to guarantee that the patient needs and staff competencies match for optimal outcomes. As a preceptor, she provides experiences for new nurses consistent with their orientation plan and makes the orienteer feel supported.
Clinically, Yanira is a clinical nurse expert on weekends and is available to new team members for advice. One example was on a recent stroke alert when the patient required TNK (Tenecteplase) for a stroke. Yanira organized the team to respond to CT-64, arranged for the appropriate bed in the department and verified that the bedside nurse was educated on the vital sign and NIH Stroke Scale frequency.
As a nurse with a multicultural background, she advocates for the diverse population we serve. Before the translator phones and iPads, she was a certified Spanish translator. She assists the providers with patients' cultural concerns and their basic needs of food, clothing, and shelter when they are discharged. She understands that these basic needs must be met for the patient/family compliance with discharge instructions and follow-up health care. The patients, EMS agencies, and Rochester Police Department come to the ED and ask if Yanira is working because she genuinely cares for vulnerable populations. Her goal after FNP graduation is to work in the community with these patient groups.

Alyssa Bowersox, RN
Location: Medical Intensive Care Unit, Rochester General Hospital
Nominated by: Patient’s family member
My 82-year-old father was admitted to the hospital on October 9, 2022, because he was found unresponsive at home. As a nurse and a nursing professor, my mind was racing because I knew he was in a dire situation. I knew all the scenarios that could play out. The second day my dad was in the medical intensive care unit (MICU); he was awake and alert. Alyssa was his nurse. She knew what could be going on with my dad even before the doctors did. For example, she suspected dad may have been aspirating what he was eating and drinking. Most importantly, no matter how busy she was, she gave of her time. No matter how busy she was, she took the time to tell me how dad was every day I came to see him. She took the time to talk about what the doctors found with my dad, and she took the time to talk to my dad to calm his fears. She took time to change his bed and clean him up. She had nursing students who were following her, and she took the time to explain nursing concepts and ask them questions to ascertain their level of knowledge. She changed my dad's central line dressing and knew she had contaminated her sterile gloves. She changed them right away. I know that sounds strange, but as a nursing professor, I hear from nurses that sterile technique "is only something you do in nursing school." Alyssa took it seriously and did all this with a smile and a cheery disposition. She made a HUGE difference to my dad and me because of all of the aforementioned attributes. She is an extremely knowledgeable and skilled nurse who has integrated human care with her actions toward patients, students, and family members. I told her she would make a wonderful nursing professor if she were ever interested. If a nurse ever deserved a DAISY Award, it is Alyssa.

Sarah Collyer, RN
Location: Emergency Department, Rochester General Hospital
Nominated by: Colleague
The adult emergency department (ED) is an environment like no other. Sarah's willingness and desire to take on such a challenging role in the most challenging time for health care is beyond admirable. She jumps in every day with both feet and her whole heart. Her ability to balance advocating for the ED patients and team while building positive working relationships outside the department requires something that can't be taught. Sarah is reliable, present, engaged, passionate, reasonable, humble, and kind. She is also hilarious. We laugh a lot, which is, at times, what feels like the only thing that keeps us going. Sarah is also always seeking feedback and wanting to be better. She takes feedback, reflects, asks great questions, and really makes an effort to improve. When you're in the ED, it is evident that the team feels supported by Sarah. She can be found with the charge phone, rounding on patients, de-escalating an upset patient, putting an IV in a difficult stick patient, assisting with hygiene in overflow, transporting patients, assisting in a code, and at times even doing CPR in the Portland Avenue Garage. When she is able to step off the floor, her door is always open for the team. I couldn't imagine a more capable person for this role, and I am fortunate to work alongside her.

Tammy Pecorella, RN
Location: Maternity Unit, United Memorial Medical Center
Nominated by: Patient
Thank you so much, Tammy, for all you did for my baby and me while here. Thank you for your great sense of humor and awesome persona. Thank you for answering my partner's and my questions and showing and teaching us trips to help us better care for our new and first baby. You've touched our hearts; this hospital is blessed to have you here.

Anu Jose, BSN, RN
Location: Rochester Regional Health Dialysis Center – Chili
Nominated by: Colleague
Sometimes you get a second chance to make it right. I have often wanted to nominate Anu Jose for the DAISY Award many times but never did. Let me tell you about Anu. Anu was the glue that held the Long Pond dialysis unit together. Anu was the staff/charge nurse for the morning shift. She rounded on each patient. She listened to each patient and knew their story, not just their medical history, but what they were about. Anu had exceptional clinical skills and knew dialysis. She knew when to call the provider and act on the patient's behalf. At a minimum, she was a patient advocate. She was beloved by patients and staff alike. I wouldn't say I like speaking for others, but I believe the provider, nutrition, and social work staff recognized Anu as an exceptional nurse. She was the best nurse I have ever worked with, although there have been others. The nurses and techs liked working with her. You could see this in how she interacted with new staff and welcomed them. They smiled and chatted, and she was there by their side when there was a technical issue or patient problem. She did not walk; she ran into the unit to answer alarms or issues. She taught and guided us if we came up with a plan for the patient that wasn't quite right. She gave it her all. Anu was recently promoted to Assistant Nurse Manager of the dialysis center at Chili. This is our way of saying “Thank you" to Anu and acknowledging how much we at Long Pond appreciate her and her many skills. We wish her well, and we all miss her. Do you know what they said on our TTS first shift? “She is number one."

Wendy Copenhagen, RN, CDN
Location: Peritoneal Dialysis, Unity Hospital
Nominated by: Colleague
Wendy Copenhagen is the lifeline in the peritoneal dialysis unit at Unity Hospital. She is the person that keeps us afloat. Her understated style belies her leadership, organizational skills, and clinical competence. As a Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) unit nurse, Wendy has a unique role- she is the expert in delivering peritoneal dialysis. However, she is more than that. She is the person patients develop relationships with during one-on-one training, whom they go to for problem-solving, help with their orders, advice, moral support, and confidence building. In short, Wendy is that go-to person. The physicians rely on her for her clinical skills, as PD is a nurse-driven treatment. Wendy takes the call and does peritoneal dialysis education with the nurses on the surgery floors. Wendy develops caring, and individual bonds with her patients, gives them full attention, follows through on the endless details of a home program, and is a good communicator. Wendy needs to be acknowledged for all that she does. On behalf of the PD team, I want her to know how much we appreciate her. I nominate Wendy Copenhagen for the Daisy Award in Excellence in Nursing Care.

Brooke Guy, RN
Location: Unity Hospital
Nominated by: Nursing students
Brooke was nominated by nursing students for being so welcoming, helpful, and willing to teach. The students said they want to be like her when they become a nurse!

Stacey DeJaeger, RN
Location: Obstetrics, Newark-Wayne Community Hospital
Nominated by: Colleague
How is Stacy an extraordinary nurse? Enough can’t be said about how amazing of a nurse Stacy is. I previously worked with her on med-surg years ago but she has since been on OB. Any time I need anything for a patient in our floor and have to call OB, she is willing to lend a hand with no questions. I always hear compliments on how she is so helpful and knowledgeable. Recently I gave birth to my second child and she was right there throughout my pregnancy and birth. Doing it without her would’ve been possible of course, but she made all the difference. She is kind, thoughtful and so supportive with her patients. She will stay by their sides no matter what, making sure they know they have the best care. She goes above and beyond for their wellbeing and advocates continuously for their wants and needs. She has dedicated so many years to this organization and is committed to the standards of our organization. She exemplifies what it means to be a great nurse and a wonderful person. She deserves this award!

Bonnie Beecher-Casagrande, RN, BSN
Location: Rochester Regional Health, Genesee Surgical Associates - Linden Oaks
Nominated by: Colleagues
We would like to nominate Bonnie for the DAISY Award. We both feel she is an excellent example of teamwork, dedication, etc., and exhibits all the qualities of a great nurse and leader. She definitely went above and beyond with her leadership by training us both and offering support when needed.

Cherie Palmer, LPN
Location: Rochester Regional Health Finger Lakes ENT - Geneseo
Nominated by: Colleague
As nurses, we all know that no matter where we work, we will eventually (and hopefully) identify who the most seasoned nurse in the care space is. This nurse is usually warm, very knowledgeable, endlessly giving, and above all things a mentor, or someone who will teach you effectively and without shame. I’ve found these mentors in several nursing environments, and here in the Geneseo ENT office, we have Cherie Palmer. Cherie shows up to work, calmly, with an open mind, and ready to serve our patients and providers. She goes out of the way to create relationships with our staff and patients that enhance our ability to provide care, and time and time again teaches me that the core of nursing is compassion. When Cherie isn’t working, she takes care of her father full time and provides him with top-of-the-line care while he ages, allowing him the grace of living in a home with family. There are mornings when Cherie has already worked three hours as a nurse before she even leaves her front door, and that can only be appreciated after you’ve watched her do it for nearly a year and her smile has not yet faded. Cherie is an inspiration, and a powerful woman, nurse, mother, and friend, for whom we are incredibly thankful.

Shannon Snyder, RN, BSN
Location: Rochester Regional Health Breast Center
Nominated by: Colleague
I would like to nominate Shannon Snyder, RN for the DAISY Award. Shannon was recently promoted to a clinical lead position within our office at a time when there were multiple challenges involving staffing, rapidly changing protocols related to COVID, and the continued challenges of dealing with our oncology patient population. I was, and continue to be, impressed with the level of compassion, and professionalism Shannon exudes on a daily basis, shining through all of these challenges. She truly is an extraordinary nurse and I hope she is considered for this well-deserved award.

Tricia Woodward, RN
Location: Rochester Regional Health Surgery
Nominated by: Colleague
I want to nominate Trisha Woodward for the DAISY award. Trisha is the Nurse Manager for General Surgery, Surg Onc., Breast, Bariatrics & Plastics. Trisha was assigned to orient me during my first week here as my boss was on vacation. I was new to Rochester Regional so that is a heavy lift for anyone! Tricia is a wealth of knowledge about all things at RRH. She was so kind and helpful to me and very understanding. I bonded with her right away as she also has a great sense of humor! Over the past six months, I have observed Trisha helping anyone that asks. As a manager she works at all of her offices rooming patients, performing triage, or whatever their need is. One of her admirable traits is she rarely gets frustrated. She does whatever needs to be done without a complaint. She is a truly dedicated professional for RRH; she is here late almost every night making sure everything that needs to be done is completed. Just the other day Trisha was so concerned over a patient issue she spent the day making sure the patient experience was the best it could be despite the situation that occurred. I have the highest admiration for Trisha Woodward and believe she is a true reflection of what a DAISY Honoree should be. I am honored she is my co-worker and friend.