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Community Investment

Clifton Springs Hospital & Clinic

General Content

Clifton Springs Hospital and Clinic


  • 62,000 Outpatients Provided Care
  • 9,100 People Treated in the Emergency Room
  • 1,400 People Admitted to Your Hospital

Economy & Community 

$90,000,000 Economic Activity

The economic activity generated by hospitals - through jobs and the purchasing of goods and services - makes up more than 10% of the state's entire Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

$12,000,000 Tax Dollars Generated 

New York Hospitals are responsible for generating significant tax dollars and stimulate the economies of your local community and the whole state.

$4,400,000 Community Benefits & Investments

Adhering to their charitable mission, hospitals cover the cost of care provided to people in need; subsidize care and services to low-income, elderly, and under-served communities; and continuously invest in many community health initiatives. 

1,000 Jobs Generated

Hospitals and health systems are often the largest employers in communities, generate many more jobs, and are a top 10 private sector employer in every region of New York State.

State & Federal Funding

70% Reimbursement from Medicaid and Medicare

A large portion of hospital reimbursement is tied to underpayments from Medicaid and Medicare; Medicaid only pays 76 cents for each dollar of care and Medicare only pays 97 cents.