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J. Raymond Hinshaw

raymond hinshawJ. Raymond Hinshaw (1923 – 1993) was born in Oklahoma on October 8, 1923. A student of above average abilities, he started school in second grade, soon advanced and entered medical school at age nineteen. After a two-year hitch in the Navy he was awarded a Rhodes Scholarship to Oxford University.

From 1955 to 1967 he was an instructor at the University of Rochester. In 1964 he came to Rochester General as an Attending in Surgery.

During his tenure as Chief of Surgery the department took on a new look and made major advances in the field. Under his tutelage open heart and thoracic surgery became major specialties. The laser became a common tool of the surgeon. Surgical research was promoted.

In recognition of his accomplishments Dr. Hinshaw was awarded the prestigious Kaiser Medal in 1985 and the Rochester General Hospital Foundation’s Founders’ Society award in 1986. Dr. Hinshaw retired June 30, 1989. As a tribute to Hinshaw’s influence and dedication to Medical Education the J. Raymond Hinshaw Medical Education Center was dedicated to his memory following his death.

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