The key to managing your pain is finding the cause. At the Spine & Pain Center, our approach is comprehensive, collaborative, and patient-centered. We partner with you and will work together to understand what is causing your pain, then develop a personalized treatment and rehabilitation plan based on your specific needs. Our goal is your goal - to improve your quality of life.
Our spine and pain treatment experts utilize the full range of diagnostic and evaluation techniques, including:
After your initial assessment and evaluation, our team will draw upon several disciplines to create a comprehensive treatment plan. By collaborating with experts across several specialties, the Spine & Pain Center offers a comprehensive and individualized care plan that is coordinated and can be adjusted as needed.
We take a conservative approach, offering non-surgical and minimally invasive treatment as a first step whenever possible. Common treatment options include:
In addition, our team will coordinate referrals and recommendations with providers of alternative pain management techniques, including acupuncture, massage therapy, and chiropractic care.
Using the most advanced minimally invasive and surgical techniques, the Spine & Pain Center surgeons treat the full range of acute and chronic conditions affecting the neck and back.
Our Spine Center surgeons frequently perform:
It is important to note that not all spine surgery is the same. Some conditions require a short 20 minute procedure that is done as an outpatient; others require a prolonged hospitalization and recovery. Minimally invasive techniques and modern technology has greatly improved our ability to return a patient to functional status.
Cognitive and behavioral therapies are used to help your mind and body deal more effectively with the stress of constant pain, and address flexibility and muscular structure in people with chronic pain. Both help to enhance and maintain relief from pain and to restore proper functioning.
Chronic pain brings many challenges to those it afflicts. We understand your plight and have witnessed first-hand how destructive pain can be to the body, mind, and soul.
With the help of our pain management physicians, your behavioral health specialist will assess your emotional health, history and lifestyle that contribute to emotional stresses. They will design a treatment regimen that confronts these issues and provides you with an improved perspective, a healthy mindset, and overall improvement of psychological stressors from chronic pain.
The purpose of the behavioral health component is to provide patients with the tools they need to enhance and improve their quality of life as an integral complement to your pain treatment program.
Learn More about Behavioral Health Services
Staying active is vitally important for people with chronic pain. An appropriate exercise program designed to build your strength, restore your range of motion, and improve your flexibility will be recommended.
One key goal of treating chronic pain is returning people to their daily activities including work, recreational and family activities. Rehabilitation therapy aims to help you set goals, manage your symptoms, and get back into the activities that keep you involved in your life.