Services and Treatments

Comprehensive Care for Memory Loss

Memory loss alone doesn’t always mean dementia. But if you or someone you care about is experiencing new or increased symptoms of memory loss or cognitive impairment that is interfering with their daily lives, it’s time to seek help.

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Many health conditions can cause symptoms of memory loss, which is why evaluation by an expert in memory disorders is crucial in arriving at an accurate diagnosis.

On the day of the patient’s first visit, they will meet with one of our cognitive and behavioral neurologists for approximately one hour, during which we will:

  • Ask about the history or progression of their condition
  • Assess memory, language, attention, balance and judgment capabilities
  • Ask several focused questions to evaluate their current overall cognitive state
  • Make referrals for diagnostic testing such as blood work, in-depth neuropsychological testing, an MRI, or PET scan, if necessary

Please bring any questions you may have for our team - this is an excellent time to talk through concerns and thoughts.


Following a comprehensive evaluation and any follow-up testing, our clinicians will work together to customize a treatment plan that addresses the patients specific needs. Depending on the diagnosis, treatment options may include:

  • Treating related conditions such as emotional or sleep disorders that can further compromise cognitive and memory abilities
  • Developing an exercise plan that is suitable to promote brain health
  • Nutritional evaluation to ensure the body and mind are getting the vitamins and minerals it needs
  • Intellectual stimulation and memory training
  • Physical, cognitive, and behavioral rehabilitation
  • Psychotherapy/counseling/support groups to facilitate coping with changes in mood and overall functioning
  • Social engagement
  • Drug therapies and medication

And, because family members are just as deserving and in need of care, education, and support, we offer programs and services that are critical to the success of a patient’s treatment including patient and family support services for the social effects of illness.

female doctor illustration

Call the Memory Center Today

If you or your family are concerned about your memory or thinking skills, call us today at (585) 723-7972.
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