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We are Here to Help

There are many paths a person can take on the road to personal healing. Grieving the death of a spouse, a parent, or a child can be keenly felt any time of the year, but support from loved ones and trained professionals can help.

Helping You Find the Way Through Grief

At Rochester Regional Health Hospice Care, we offer many forms of support to help you find your way through grief. We offer these services to anyone dealing with grief, whether or not you’ve had prior contact with our hospice care services. Nearly half of those who attend our support groups have had no previous relationship with Hospice.

You will enjoy full access to resources that provide reassurance, understanding, and encouragement– at our Monroe Avenue location in Rochester.

During the year, Rochester Regional Health Hospice Care also sponsors memorial observances, open to the entire community (as well as families served by Hospice). Experience tells us that commemorating the lives of those we have lost is an important step on the path to healing.

It Helps to Talk

Our Hospice Care services provide an extensive menu of support groups for caregivers and the bereaved. Trained bereavement professionals are also available for more information or to make an appointment.

Every professional or volunteer you encounter has received special training in addressing the distinctive concerns of people dealing with loss or transition. They recognize that making a personal connection is essential in fostering healing and restoring wholeness. You may also call to schedule a private conversation with one of our trained bereavement professionals.

View a list of our current support groups 

Ceremonies of Remembrance

Our special Ceremonies of Remembrance invite families to gather and celebrate the memory of loved ones who have died, and to acknowledge the enduring strength of their caregivers. Music, readings, family tributes, and memorial rituals highlight the ceremonies, which are typically scheduled twice a year in Rochester and the Newark Area. Please reach out for more information about these important, loving ceremonies.

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