Western New York Sports and Orthopedics
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About Western New York Sports and Orthopedics
Active people of all ages and activity levels experience injuries from time to time. Rochester Regional Health’s goal is to get you back as quickly as possible. You benefit from a comprehensive sports medicine program and a team of expert providers that includes athletic trainers, exercise physiologists, neuropsychologists, nurses, nutritionists, physical therapists, primary care sports medicine physicians, and sports medicine orthopedic physicians.
Our cutting-edge and knowledgeable specialists provide you with the expertise trusted by Division 1 sports teams in Rochester. With personalized treatment plans and a caring team, we’ll work tirelessly to keep you at the top of your game.
The key to managing pain is finding its source - that's why Rochester Regional Health's Western New York Sports and Orthopedics offers comprehensive evaluation services to understand what is causing your pain and the best way to treat it. Early recognition and treatment of spine issues and other pain-causing conditions can reduce your chance of later complications and loss of function.
Sports Medicine: (585) 266-0061
Orthopedic Spine: (585) 342-2410
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