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Empowering women to reach their highest potential

The Healthy Moms program is focused on creating a nurturing and supportive environment that is life-changing and empowers women to reach their highest potential. It is funded by Rochester Regional Health and the Rochester Regional Health Foundation. Our program's goals are to:

  • Provide moms with the support they need to be physically healthy, emotionally healthy, and self-sufficient
  • Help pregnant moms have a healthy baby that is born full-term at 40 weeks and weighs 5 1/2 pounds and above

The Healthy Moms Program provides moms with the support they need to reach their full potential as a parent and as an individual. Moms pick the services they are interested in and create a customized plan of what they would like to accomplish at Healthy Moms. Healthy Moms offers the following services:

  • Pregnancy education classes
  • On-site mental health counseling
  • Care management
  • Project Independence job training program
  • Leadership academy
  • Home visiting support program for pregnant women and women with children under 2.

Moms participating in the above services can receive on-site childcare. Moms that live in the City of Rochester can receive free transportation.

To Enroll: Call us at (585) 368-3490 or send an email to with your name, phone number, and email address, and we will be in touch with you with information on next steps. 

Services Provided

Behavioral Health Services

Our therapists are available to assist with mental health needs and develop plans to address those needs. Our Psychiatrist and Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner are specially trained in working with women with prenatal and postpartum / nursing women, and are able to prescribe medication as needed to treat mental health diagnoses. 

To speak with someone today, call us at (585) 368-3490 or send an email to with your name, phone number, and email address, and we will be in touch with you with information on next steps.

Health Home Care Management

To help new and expecting moms work towards goals of self-sufficiency, Care Managers are assigned to eligible participants to help connect them with community resources and medical care.

Project Independence

Get the guidance and skills coaching you need for your education and career objectives.

  • Job training: With on-site job coaching at the Unity St. Mary's Campus, you'll learn valuable work skills and participate in our job training program. See below to watch our job training video.
  • Vocational workshops: We offer weekly workshops where you'll get hands-on assistance with resume writing, applying for jobs and preparing for interviews.
  • Community-based employment: We'll help you find paid employment while also assisting you with learning job skills, managing work relationships and achieving positive outcomes.
  • Educational programs: We'll help you with enrolling in GED and college programs and provide on-site coaching right at your school.

Babies 1st at Healthy Moms

Providing mothers with the support they need to ensure their babies are healthy and happy. 

  • Home visits
  • Emotional support
  • Connection to community resources and referrals
  • Prenatal and parenting education
  • Transportation to medical appointments
  • Family planning resources
  • Help with securing medical insurance and care
  • Health information for mom and family

Family Connects

A partnership with Rochester Regional Health Pediatric practices to provide short term in-home care management services to new moms and babies.

Services are provided by a registered nurse at 3 weeks postpartum, and include postpartum education and linkage to community resources.


Healthy Moms serves women with children under the age of 4 who live in Monroe County. Women who live within the city limits of Monroe County are eligible for van transportation, those who live outside the city must find their own ride to Healthy Moms. Healthy Moms participants are eligible for childcare during their appointments at Healthy Moms.

How to Join

Fill out our referral form and send it by email to and we will be in touch with you with information on next steps. For additional information or questions about the form, please call us at (585) 368-3490.

Our Location

Healthy Moms - St. Mary's
75 Genesee Street 
Rochester, NY 14611

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