General Content

RGH Medical Laboratory Science Program - Outcome Measures

Examples of outcome measures tracked by the program include:

Employment- Position Placement Rates:

  • Class of 2021: 16/17 (94%) clinical positions (one student unknown at this time)
  • Class of 2022: 18/18 (100%) clinical positions
  • Class of 2023: 16/16 (100%) clinical positions


  • Class of 2021: 0/17 (0%)
  • Class of 2022: 0/18 (0%)
  • Class of 2023: 0/16 (0%)

Graduation Rates:

  • Class of 2021: 17/17 (100%) graduated
  • Class of 2022: 18/18 (100%) graduated
  • Class of 2023: 16/16 (100%) graduated

Certification Exam Pass Rates:

  • Class of 2021: 14/17 (82%) passed within one-year; subsequently 15/17 (88%) pass rate
  • Class of 2022: 15/18 (83%) passed within one-year; subsequently 16/18 (89%) pass rate
  • Class of 2023:13/15 (87%)